Friday, March 28, 2014

Keel Your Body Basic

An alkaline balance in your body optimizes your its ability function, to absorb minerals and other nutrients, increase cell energy, increase cell repair, detoxify, impede tumor cell growth and support you immune system. It will improve oxygen flow in your body and make you feel more energetic.

Whole food and plenty of vegetables support your immune system. They help your body maintain a healthy PH balance and provide powerful phytonutrients as well. Eat 75% of alkalizing foods (fruits, vegetables, green tea) daily. Limit acidifying foods to 25% of your diet. (Meats, beans, grains, oils, alcohol (if at all) artificial sweeteners, sugars, Processed foods and medications all cause an acid response in the body that your body has to work to balance). Eat the basics to help your body work less so it can work on supporting you.