Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Join Me in Sharing Health

My passion (aside from my very lovely family and great friends) has been to make a difference and to restore health and hope in the lives of those I meet. This program is about restoration - restoration on a cellular level, on a physical level, individual level and on a community level. You can do it too. You don't need to be a physician to share what you learn. I can only reach so many, with your help, I can reach a lot more, and one person at a time, we can improve the lives of those around us. I invite you to step out in making a difference. To learn how contact me at drkathleen@live.com

Monday, October 22, 2007

What's Your Fitness Factor?

Did you know there are 5 things you can measure and take action on to improve your health? Not only will you feel better when you control these 5 factors, but you will also lower your risk of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer. What are they? Blood pressure, waist/hip ratio, percent body fat or body mass index, tobacco use and the number of sit ups or push ups you can do in 30 seconds. Want to score yourself? Look for the "Fitness Factor Quiz" at: http://www.nosweatfitnessexpress.blogspot.com/