Thursday, October 31, 2013

Rocktober Is Over

My recovery is still in process. I can breath and move a bit better. My skin is not peeling as much and I have more energy. There is still a long way to go to really live again. When you are not well it is as if your life is wasted. If any of you have faced a challenge, keep moving forward and don't give up. Thank you for sharing my journey. I will keep posting but will be off the grid for a few days do to wifi availability.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Been working in an emergency clinic 2 hours from home for the last 2 days. (Which is why I worote about deer whistles - commuting through deer country) Thank goodness for Panera's and McDonald's wifi. I like the ER work, the patients are nice folks. I see a lot of work injuries. Most happen because people are in a hurry or taking a shortcut or just tired. I stress to people to take their time doing things, even if they are late because that is when you make mistakes, some can be worse than others, some even fatal. Where in the last 50 years did we lose sight of people? When did we start treating people like machines and commodities, totally alienating or communities? I see unrealistic demands placed on people (including those in health care where some clinics limit you to 10-15 min/patient), 12-16 hour days. Days that take people away from their families and a healthy life, both at home and with the community. I remember having to report a + stimulant screen to an employer and they said "I am surprised he is one of our best workers".I thought how do you think your employees and work 4-5, 12-16 hour days a week without becoming sick or exhausted - why do you think they turned to the stimulant? Not that I am condoning them. Things seemed much simpler 45 -50 years ago when people actually took time with each other.

There is a great book by David Plowden "Vanishing Point - 50 Years of Photography" that is a tribute to the iniquity of the human spirit. what is more interesting than the pictures themselves is the story behind the pictures, painstaking and delightfully obtained by the photographer when he took the time to learn about what made things happen. In every instance it was the connection he had with the individual and the individual's passion and artistry for what they were doing. You can hear the replay on How cool to actually take time to learn about someone else and connect.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Deer Whistles

Deer Whistles. My old car had deer whistles on the bumper. Wild life became statuesque when you approached, freeze-framed in the moment. I loved that car, 12 years old and 220,000 miles on it. Had replaced almost everything under the hood, but my mechanic said I should part with it while it was still worth something. "Blue" my CRV. They don't make them like that anymore.

We are down to a one car family and the car I am driving doesn't have a bumper. It has a sleek smooth design, but where to put the deer whistles? Thinking that air flow was all they needed, I put them subtly in the grill and drove on (there were no instructions with the new pair of I purchased). I guessed wrong. Driving back from Alabama, after dropping my daughter off at school, I came face to face with the most beautiful 6 point buck I had ever seen (it was also the first one I had ever seen). August, not mating season, mid evening in southern Virginia. There was little or no shoulder on this stretch of highway and the thickets and woods were close and heavy. He popped up 8 feet in front of me in the woods. I hoped he would stay put. Our eyes locked and not wanting to see anything, I closed mine at 70 mph. Then BUMP. Darn, couldn't he have stayed there?  Only a dent in my front bumper. I hope he got away OK. I could drive, there was minimal damage and in my heart of hearts I hoped he got up. But it I could not tell and I could not stop as cars behind approached.

Weeks later, I found an old (more than 20 years old) set of deer whistles, still in their original package at my parents house when I was cleaning it out. I had bought them a set many years ago and they sat in a top drawer until that day (so much for practical gifts). These were different. They had INSTRUCTIONS. 2 pages of instructions. I never knew you could learn so much about deer whistles. The most important instruction they stressed was NEVER PLACE THEM IN THE GRILL. Put them as far forward of the car as possible - if your bumper was not flat you could mount them on the hood, or even upside down under the bumper, but as far forward as possible. They had a diagram for every possible car configuration and bumper, so even non mechanicals like me could unlock and use the secret of their mystery. So now I have 2 sets of deer whistles on the car. If it was just my car I would have put them on the hood, but alas, it is a shared mode of transport, so the whistles unobtrusively have their residence under the bumper, leading the way down the road because they are as far forward as I could get them. Have yet to see freeze frames, but I am on the lookout to see if they work.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Keep On Keeping On

Roctober is almost over and I am not even close to "Rockin". I must admit that I did not exercise every day - some days I seemed too tired to even move. But if I got out 3 days a week, it was a start. I managed to use the nutrients 5-6 days a week. Healthy habits take time to build into your schedule. Don't give up! My skin is healing (not 100%, more like 50%), my eyes are no longer painful and I am a bit more flexible. This is a process. It was more than 2 years of neglect and abuse that took my body on a downward turn. It will take more than a few weeks to build it up and every step forward is a step in the right direction. I had a massage and I really think it helped me turn the corner. It was quite painful at the time, but I felt so much better the next day. I could move joints that seemed frozen before. Massage helps break down muscle tension and it invigorates the lymph system which helps cleanse your body. If you are in a recovery like mine, treat yourself to one at least every other week. It will do you a world of good. No pain, no gain.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Your Kids Are My Kids

I wasn't planning on working today, but did see a few patients mid-day. Not too convenient - it was a favor. People will call at odd hours without even thinking that doctors might have families, hobbies or other obligations, it goes with the territory. Used to be that there was more of a community spirit. You know, I watch your back, you watch mine.  But times have changed and this isn't Petticoat Junction or even Dr Quinn. I was flabbergasted when I realized this. My daughter was young and I was working in a walk-in clinic, ER type of setting, someone came in just before my shift was to end and they were pretty bad off, so I stabilized them and got them settled. This made me 10 to 15 minutes late in picking up my daughter. I didn't mind the $5/min late fee, it was the" you can't bring her here if this happens again" statement that floored me. Nevermind the fact that I had volunteered many times to be the MD at their sporting events, or was patient when some of the staff showed up at my door for medical reasons on my days off, etc... It was more like "Gee, I am saving a life and someday that might be your son or daughter or even you..:"  I miss the days when there was more community spirit and reciprocity.

I look at the kids in this town as "my kids". I have seen them grow and blossom and really care if they succeed. It breaks my heart when they do stupid things that could ruin their lives. I feel that we have let them down in some way. We should expect and set high standards and teach them that it OK to be "square" instead of "gangsta".  That you don't have to be "tough" and it'd OK to respect each other. They are just trying to fit in but some are directionless through no fault of their own. The schools seem to have a double standard in the name of political correctness and in the meantime the emperor has no clothes. better to lift them up and help them stay up.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Mark Harmon

There is a large picture of Mark Harman in my office. Mark Harmon, is perhaps the person who has the most influence on my practice, and although I enjoy gazing on his dishy, handsome face, he is really there to support my patients. The picture is a half page color spread from the Washington Post that says "I am my own secret weapon". In support of the American Cancer Society's efforts to promote immune health and research. When my patients ask me what I can do for them. I point to his photo and say "I help your body do that". I tell them that I cannot cure disease, but I can show them how to strengthen and balance their immune systems through diet, lifestyle, detoxification and nutrition.  A healthy body naturally seeks out and destroys unwanted invaders, but when it breaks down, it cannot identify an invader from itself and either lets cancer proliferate or turns on itself (auto-immune disease). If you have these, you are beyond the tipping point and should seek to minimize or reverse the cause. The straw has already broke the camel's back. That Is why I tell patients in these situations to use only natural things and to avoid putting chemicals in their bodies. If your great-grandmother could not pronounce it, it probably does not belong on you or in you. I say, "WHOLE food is a whole lot better and REAL food is real good"™

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


October is not only Rocktober, but it is also breast cancer awareness month. We are all supposed to be in the pink, and while an admirable cause, I feel that too many people are more than aware of the issue but not aware of the CAUSE - which is prevention and removing the triggers that lead to the cancer in the first place. If I had the answer to that 50 million dollar question, I would not be writing this blog. But I DO have part of the answer.

I have seen a trend in breast cancer. It is very common for it to occur after or during times of undue stress and yet I see very little literature on this topic. I see post menopausal woman with no known estrogen exposure, exponentially increase in size with associated morning sickness. a sure sign of estrogen hyper-drive. Estrogen and progesterones are off balance due to STRESS. (Try as you may to stay calm, the physical/emotional demands on your body can cause this)

The Biochem book is so handy - I just had to review the adrenal pathway. Most MDs are aware that under prolonged and extreme periods of stress the adrenals burn out from the constant production of cortisol and epinephrine (these 2 things together raise blood sugars, decrease muscle mass, increase inflammation, kill your immune system and more, making your body a fertile feeding ground for whatever chooses to assault it) but fail to realize that the elevated cortisol converts to excess estrogen as well - Bingo! Ladies have puppies and morning sickness. The constant estrogen exposure enlarges breasts and ovaries and if sustained, increases the cancer risk of both these structures. So woman everywhere, slow down, relax and take care of yourselves. If this sounds familiar, see your physician to balance out your system, go out with the girls, laugh, love and hug your kids. Reclaim your attractive vitality.

Jefferson's Paris

Feeling slightly more human. I have a lot of ideas swimming in my brain on my way to work but they fade by the time I get to the keyboard. I wish there was a gadget that could just type as I thought, but then again, that might be a bit scary.  Worked in Charlottesville today on mandatory CME. We have to get 30 credits a year or 60 total in 2 years to maintain a medical license. This seemed the most pleasant way to do it.

It was a beautiful crisp sunny day so I ducked out at lunch and walked about the city. It smelled like Paris (restaurants, fresh air and tobacco) and even resembled Paris a bit. I was thinking that, as I strolled from one end of the pedestrian mall to the other. The city draws you out and walking seems so natural. (Unlike my attempts to walk around the block at home without a canine friend in tow). It was very refreshing and impressive. Thomas Jefferson and Washington admired the City of Lights. No wonder this quaint little town (Jefferson's town) had that sense about it. It was purposely designed with that effect in mind. Hats off to Tom. He was a genius.

The CME was not my cup of tea, a lot of drugs but no questions as to what is causing disease (which is where my fascination lies). I surfed the web with my questions and discovered that the average life span of physicians is 58 years old. That means I have a year and a half left to make my mark on posterity. Yikes!

Hooked into an online lecture at home that was fabulous and as if to answer the questions I had posed to the staff earlier in the day, confirmed my suspicions about the diseases we discussed earlier. That they are largely preventable and cause by nutrient deficiencies, poor GI or liver health, bacteria, viral loads or toxicity. I am living proof that the body breaks down when you don't feed it, It was exciting to hear another researcher arrive at the same conclusions I had been working on. It was great to learn that I am not the only MD who thinks thyroiditis is associated with heavy metal toxicity (mercury) or that selenium can help you make more antioxidants, provide support for your heart or liver and that copper is necessary for the walls of your circulatory system and heart (that and vitamin E can also help brain function). Boron supports hormone function. It is basic nutrition and feeding the body well is so important. Yet conventional medicine overlooks so much and just turns to drugs instead of the cause. I felt like shouting at the CME "Guys you are going the wrong way" but telling that to people who are so dedicated to one model will not get you far. For now I can only seek out minds who are willing to question and say that there must be a better solution. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Had a text message at 4 AM and another at 6. Somebody did not get the message that I actually sleep, and for sure they are not reading this because they would have known that I was hit by a Mack Truck yesterday. Don't feel much better today, but I will slog it through. "The show must go on" and ERs and health clinics do not close. Fortunately it is only a half day at a clinic I absolutely love working in, even though it is an hour commute. It is a beautiful commute. The drive takes me through the most beautiful part of the valley. I used to drive it 2-4 times a week and became familiar with the sights along the way (the sheep farm, goat farm, horse farm, llama farm (no kidding one was even named Dolly) and cattle farms). I watched the animals change with the seasons, saw their pregnancies and watched them foal. They developed predictable behaviors and patterns, so much so that you knew when  they were content. "Cows in the woods" meant it was a good day. If it was stormy they would either huddle together, or be off in a corner of the field near the barns. I actually enjoyed watching them.

More particularly I enjoy working in Winchester. There is a real sense of community spirit there, especially at the company I sometimes work at which hosts a medical clinic for its employees. Shockey has been in business since 1896 (117 years) and is still family owned. Mr Shockey (now in his mid 90s) comes to work every day and it is his presence and vision that sets the tone for employee morale. The company started an in-house preventative health and medical clinic for its employees even before the "health crisis" . But that is not what makes it special. What makes it special is Mr Shockey's sincere and caring attitude for his employees. He is one of the sweetest and genuine individuals you will ever meet, part of "The Greatest Generation" and his sincerity touches the very core of your being, it touches his employees and everyone he meets. It inspires those around him to do their best and to rise to greatness. I have never worked in a place where the employees cherish their boss like a treasure and yet, that is how he affects everyone (and yes he is a treasure). This effect is not limited to the company but spreads out into the community. The result is a community that works together to support each other, one that cares for each other and one that uplifts all they meet. There is no sense of competition, but more of a broad spectrum of camaraderie that filters and trickles down to the young. It is so uplifting to even experience a part of that. I wish I could put my finger on what it is because I aspire to have that effect on people. I have seen it before, mostly in those of the WW II generation. I fear it is something we have lost, but maybe someone will be smart enough to pinpoint what it is that has this effect on others and inspires in a kind and exciting way.

Anderson Cooper PLEASE interview Mr Shockey before it is too late. (I wish some one who writes well would tell his story.) Come to think about it, my Dad has the same demeanor. He's always concerned about everyone but himself (even at 89.5) maybe that is the ticket. There is no "What can I take from the world" but rather "What can I give it". Now there's a thought. If more people had the opportunity to experience this, it could be contagious. Maybe we should start a campaign. Really, kindness can be in all of us.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Keep Going

It is the start of week 3 in the recovery process. I woke up feeling like I was hit by a Mack Truck. Wish someone told me they were going to move the highway through my bedroom last night. Small steps in regaining healthy habits have been made, but the fact that I am still stiff and slow indicates just how abused my body was and the restoration will most likely take more than a month. Good news is that my eyes are healing. They are not as sore and new skin is growing, so I am not so much like a zombie and can actually go out in the sun. The skin is only the tip of the iceberg in what is happening inside. Your body just doesn't fall apart all at once, somehow it reaches a tipping point and the trick is to catch it before it is too late. In years past my immune system was so strong that I was not affected to what my patients had, but working in an ER brings in a lot and try as I may to avoid exposure, it happens. You just have to keep going in the direction you want even with setbacks.

My friend is doing better and is not experiencing the herxeimer reaction so intensely. Patients get impatient with the recovery process or health programs, but the important thing to remember is to keep going - eventually you will reach your goal.

That reminds me of a vet who with a little inspiration, did not give up on himself. Check out this 4 minute video. It is one of my favorites.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Everyday Miracles

Speaking of wonders, have you ever celebrated everyday miracles? Like your heartbeat? Like breathing? Things we take for granted: your spouse, your children, your friends, pets and nature around us? What about something as seemingly simple as a paperclip? I think these are all everyday miracles. Why? Can you make a person, a tree, a paperclip? What if the world had to start over again? The things that make our lives easy would not be there. The effort and creativity that goes into getting goods to markets is astonishing and I am grateful everyday for what I have and the people around me. What treasures!

I went hiking on Skyline Drive this morning. It was spectacular. We picked a place called Dark Hollow Falls. It is a trail I frequent in the summer. Never have I seen an abundance of water because summer tends to be a bit dry but today was different. It was a cool sunny day, the leaves were at their peak and the vistas were bursting in color. You could see the Alleghenies across the valley from Skyline Drive and the Blue Ridge and you could even see the Shenandoah River snaking its way through the countryside below.

The Dark Hollow Falls trail was at its finest. The usually slow, trickling brook that feeds the falls was rushing like a small river in a hurry to get somewhere and it started at the top. All along the trail there were mini-falls and pools to delight the eye, teaming with colorful brook trout tirelessly swimming against the currents. This was the first time I had ever seen fish in the stream. The stream coursed along like a bobsled run and entertained with steep plummets of more than 50 -100 feet at times. It was delightful. But the most amazing thing I saw on the trail was an elderly man with a crutch on each arm and a bum leg. He started at the top with us. We asked him if he planned on going far and he said all the way! Sure enough he made the mile and a half steep trek up and back despite slippery leaves and rocky terrain. His spirit was a true inspiration. That was the miracle that affected me most today. We take so much for granted - like our health and life circumstances. Would I be as graceful as that fine man who was determined to enjoy the world no matter what?


With that I would like to invite you to participate  in a 21 Days of Gratitude Meditation (Celebration) sponsored by Depak Chopra. It appropriately starts in November - the time for Thanksgiving. You can sign up for it on the link below.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Breakfast with the Veterans always proves to be interesting. I live close to the mountains and a lot of wilderness and this particular group was pretty much all mountain men. They liked their space away from the city and preferred it that way. One in particular (R), really communes with nature and lives off of the land (like a lot of folk around here). Some of my patients have not even upgraded to running water or indoor toiletries and still have dirt floors - hard to believe, but true. R should write a book. He is a very soft spoken, articulate and bearded man with a twinkle in his eye, speaking slowly and deliberately about life in the woods and life in general. " Life is too short to be mean", "Better to be kind and happy" "Don't like to make fun of no one..." The others had things to say like "Always try to outdo who ever you meet in kindness". Any of these guys could take down a bunch in seconds but after having witnessed countless horrors, they felt that life was too short to be anything but good.

They were particularly talkative because R had spotted and tracked a mountain lion and even snapped a photo, proudly showing it to the group. He first saw tracks and followed them, only to realize that the tracks went in a circle and that the mountain lion had been tracking him (only out of curiosity for both parties involved). R recanted that one time he spooked a coyote. He like to walk in the dark and did not need a light since he knows every inch of the trails by heart and step. He had ventured out on a beautiful night and was just sitting quietly when a coyote came trotting on the path, stopped in his tracks a few feet away and jumped and howled because it was startled to see a creature in its domain. R said he was as scared as the coyote and they both quickly parted ways in different directions.

When was the last time you saw wonders around you? A second grader saw the special things we take for granted when her class was asked to name the wonders of the world. Most of the kids made a quick list (The Great Wall, The Pyramids...), but she pondered a bit longer on her answers. The teacher asked if she needed help and the girl said she was having a difficult time deciding because there we so many wonders in the world. Reading her list, the class sat in awe when she said the wonders of the world are: to hear.... to play...and to love. A reminder that the most precious things in life cannot be bought or made.

What was your awe inspiring moment today?

Friday, October 18, 2013

Align Your Spine - The Case For Chiropractors

My job and family have me on the road a lot, 4-8-11 hours at a stretch. Today is no different as I am leaving on a long commute before sunrise. The frequent 2 -3 hour trips to work takes a toll on my back, hips and legs. Everything gets kinked. Feel like a cowboy after a long day on the range (stiff and slow). How do airline pilots, bus drivers and truckers manage to feel good sitting for all of that time? Long periods of inactivity affect your circulation and your nervous system (think of a bent electrical cord with exposed wires) The signals to and from your brain travel up and down your spinal cord and when that gets "bent"  it cannot function like it should. That is why I am such a big fan of good chiropractors, they work miracles on me. Not only do their adjustments help me feel lighter, limber and more flexible, but the adjustments help my body internally too, allowing the nervous system to function, keeping my vital organs in touch with command central and help me get moving again. Twice a month at a minimum, more if you are feeling out of line. That and daily stretches will go a long way in helping you feel your best.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Surrounded By The Blues (Jays That Is)

Well I did not win the lottery, but I did wake up, so I guess that is good fortune enough. How do you blog in the morning when you haven't even started your day? I guess you wait for something to happen or be more observant about your surroundings. Surprisingly there was traffic this morning and I had to wait on my way out.  I look at delays as opportunities and I was especially surprised to see hundreds of blue jays fly and land and fly again. They must be migrating, making a ruckus with their calls. They seemed to like the holly trees and in no time flat every tree in sight was stripped of its red juicy berries. It was a spectacular vision. Clouds of the brilliant blue birds. Their hues are so vibrant and they are playful and fun to watch. I enjoyed the dance. It's really amazing how exquisitely Nature is planned. Twice a year, the holly trees bear fruit and it just happens to be ripe in the spring and fall when then migratory birds are on their journey. Fast food at its finest.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Soup Day

Mornings are foggy now and fall is in the air. The leaves seemed to have turned from green to red overnight. It is the type of day where you just want to curl up with a good book in front of the fire. Soup weather. What is it about soup that soothes the soul? It's aroma greeting those who enter as if to say "Welcome". So easy to make. Just throw in a lot of veggies or what ever you have on hand. Can make a chowder by adding potatoes and cream. That and a salad make a good meal. You can freeze it in plastic bags (after it cools to avoid the plasticizers) so you can have it on demand. Tastes best when shared with a friend.

Really clumsy today, spilled 2 cups of coffee at different times. Must be an omen. Looked it up and according to Romanian superstitions, spilling coffee means you will have some good fortune. Nice thought but I think we can create our own.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Herx Happens - The Corrective Response

Have to say I felt pretty excited to hear my friend was improving, but then it happened. "The Corrective Response" or Herxeimer Reaction. Called me in a panic "I'm quitting. I feel like I have the flu. It's these stupid nutrients.."  Really toxic. The cells were so excited to have real food and nutrition that when they started to function correctly they not only made waste products, but they realized that there were toxins built up inside of them, so what happened was a massive dump into the bloodstream (really do you think your cells want to live in sewage any more than you do?). When you are healthy, this is not an issue because the liver and kidneys can usually handle day to day metabolites. It is a different story when a massive clean-up starts.

Normally I have people build up their liver and do a cleanse before starting a nutrient program. But my friend was anxious and feeling better sooner (like a magic pill) was more important. The testing I suggested would help outline a more targeted detox. His body, however had started on its own. It is hard enough to coach someone through a recovery program when the results may take weeks or even months (even if you explain to them that it took them months to get this way, people are used to drugs treating symptoms and not the cause) It is even harder to convince them to stay on a program when they experience a reaction. You have to be experienced to know if it is working or not. The solution is to back off for a day or two. Help your body detoxify with Epsom Salt soaks, to keep hydrated and when the symptoms resolve, start up again. Each time there will be fewer toxins to dispose of and eventually you will be bounding with energy - not only from optimal cell function, but because you cleaned up the mess.

 I need to be more assertive in getting people to do the detox first.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Power Of Sunshine

My current Zombie-like appearance has everything to do with neglect and not taking time for myself. I can't promote health if I look like the living dead. Can't network, look for a part-time job, or experiment with new venues given my appearance. So not only am I a zombie, I am  hermit as well. It's happened before, usually takes a month or so to start feeling like I have a breath of life in me.  For 2 years, 3 days a week I have been  locked in a 9x6 windowless space, never seeing the light of day. Arriving before sunrise and leaving after the sun sets. (I wasn't kidding when I said I live in a cave). I suspect I am not the only person who is subject to a job like this, or that I am not the only one who lives in the dark (think of factory workers, office workers, hospital patients, nursing home patients....)

The sun has a lot to do with how you look and feel. Maybe that's why people with tans are viewed as healthier. Sunlight triggers a reaction in your brain to make the "happy hormone" Serotonin. It boosts your immune system to activate Vitamin D, The change in light at the end of the day also signals your brain to make growth hormone to repair your body and melatonin to help you sleep. (Melatonin is also a potent booster of natural killer cells, and it has a profound impact on sex hormones, so sleep helps your body in more ways than one).

I had a yearly habit of using a tanning booth twice a week in the dead of winter to get light and not much of a tan. I skipped that this year. I remembered that the last time I had this condition. it cleared with the arrival of spring and longer days. maybe it's time to enlighten my paleface. 6 minutes in the stand up booth made a tremendous difference in my skin. My eyes appeared to be healing a few hours later. Maybe converting the Vitamin D is the ticket. (If you want to see a very entertaining Vitamin D lecture see Dr Holick's awesome lecture at
We all tend to be slaves to our jobs and committed to a hectic work ethic life. But no job is worth your health or your life or stealing time from your loved ones. Get some sunshine, go outside and play.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Spiritual Sunday

If Saturdays are Serenity Saturdays then are Sundays Spiritual Sundays? Sometimes I make it to church. It was the story of Jesus and the lepers - the one where he cures 12 and only one came back to say thanks. A  reminder of the power of Gratitude. Have you ever noticed how good you feel when someone appreciates you and says "thanks?" It makes you want to go out of the way for that person even more. You benefit when you say "thanks". Gratitude is the highest emotional energy, even higher than Love. High energy turns on your brain and your cells, making even more "feel good" hormones. Meditation and prayer relax and expand your mind. Meditation has been proven to boost your immune system, increase your brain size, reduce stress and repair DNA. A recent survey of successful people highlighted a common thread of daily meditation. Maybe a morning ritual of meditation and gratitude (focusing on what is good in our lives) would be a smashing way to start the day.

PS My friend is feeling human again (1 week out yeah!)

Saturday, October 12, 2013

The Garlic Festival

Saturday, connect day, joy day, relax day, rest day, recharge, venture out, Do something physical. Trying to get into a routine, now that I am without a walking buddy. Too dark, cold and rainy this morning to walk so it was off  to the gym - just treadmills. It felt so good to move. Ventured out with my friends Paula and Steve. She is a vibrant excited-about-life Latino who spices up any adventure and her story is one that is worth telling (but at another time). Our destination was the Garlic Festival at Rebec Vineyards in Amherst Virginia. More or less an excuse to eat and sample fruits of the land and vine. It was like a medieval renaissance faire without the knavery and dress. Tents in the woods and fields, musical venues, feasts of food, drink, and craft vendors eagerly hawking their wares. Ladies fancied wreaths of ribbons in their hair and scarf and lace ties (like ballerina tutus) around their waists (they wore these over pants - odd sight, but all in fun). People were dancing and soaking in the delights, glad that the rain was holding off. Who knew in the 14th century that these traditions would carry on? Some good things stay the same.

What can we pass along?

Friday, October 11, 2013

Buried Under Paper Mountains

Woke up freezing, forgot to turn the heat on. No shake this morning. Opted for warm oatmeal with a protein powder in it, can have the shake later. Did the sun salutation.  Still have oodles of paperwork to go through and sort. You know, the kind you keep because you think it is important and then you shred it anyway. (Although sometimes they do come in handy. I needed a security screening for this last insane job that nearly killed me and they wanted to see my income tax return form 1979! Can you believe it?! What's worse is that I actually had it and my W2 from that year. Now what kind of crazy person saves that?) Have to reclaim my house and my life.
Friday again, time for friends. Taking the high school yearbook teacher out for her birthday. She is an amazing lady with a BIG heart. She takes so much time for her students. Even helped a homeless student and her family find a place to live and furnished it for her (this lady has next to nothing and she is helping others, (Mary Strickler you are the best and deserve teacher of the year, every year) I wish I had known because a lot of us would have been happy to help.

 Already made plans with friends on Saturday and Sunday. Have more old acquaintances to reconnect with.  Because of work or family situations I did not see my friends - out of town 101 days in the past year taking care of family and the rest of the time I was either working or coaching my daughter through high school. (had to really encourage her to apply herself. she's a great kid and is away at college now). The house is really empty, just me Ralph and the cats surrounded by paper mountains.

What are you doing to de-clutter and simplify your life today?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

NonSurgical Face Lift

Believe it or not, this rejuvenation program and writing take time. I find that even getting up at 7AM is too late to do what I want to do on my days off (and even less on work days). You do the routine and BAM, the morning is gone. so my next step is to get up earlier.

Still look like the living dead. Learned how to do some acupuncture a while back - specifically for skin repair. Never had it done on myself - hate needles. But today, my skin looks so bad and is paper thin, (I had stopped my routine a year ago) that I think I will try it on myself. Sticking needles in my face. It did not hurt and I really didn't feel a thing. Had to lay flat while they were in place.  so I practiced my yoga breathing and core strengthening and read a book for 40 minutes. Took pictures. When all is said and done will post them. But not now - too scary. Also ordered my skin care items. I like Bioce products, they repair the skins DNA outside in while you work on the  inside out part with diet and exercise.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Did deck work again. The hour a day idea is a good one, makes the work seem painless. The squirrels have generously amassed a pile of walnut shells on the railing. They must have fun while I am away. The Jays are still playing and the geese have not left yet (I am surprised at this because they started their practice maneuvers particularly early this year)

I would turn on the news as I paint, but music is so much more uplifting. (Van Morrison is on now - prolific musician and poet) It would be easy to depress yourself listening to the news, especially with all of the insanity in Washington now. Wouldn't it be something if our leaders actually pulled the country together instead of dividing the nation? I believe they are attempting to create a crisis instead of prevent one and just using the American people as a means to their ends.  Come on - isn't everyone's job essential to them? Since all of the jobs create jobs for others in some way shape or form aren't they all essential? And what about the ones that generate an income for the states, like the parks, aren't they essential too? And why is Congress not subject to the rules they make?  You could get extremely stressed listening to the news, which is why, I live in a cave. When I think of leaders, I think of Churchill - keep calm and carry on, bringing the country together, not splitting it. You didn't see the Brits riot when they were bombed, they worked together. We need to remember that we are in this together. I promised myself there would be no  politics in this blog, so that's the extent of my soapbox.

That is why having some spiritual strength is handy. In hard times it can lift you up and in good times it can help you help others. Plus, believe it or not, what you read and listen to affects your mood. I would rather be in a good mood, share a laugh and read a good story that brood all day. The world moved forward when people had hope and optimism (just look at history to prove it).

If you're looking for inspiration you can talk to hopeful people, immigrants of each generation who have made their lives better. You can think of the Edisons and Fords and Jobs, who dared to dream... or you can search the web. AOL has a link called the 10 happiest places on the internet (pasted below)

In my dark days (and I've had them) it was the spiritual side that gave me hope. That and friends will get you far.

By the way, my friend says that he is getting some sleep and is feeling a bit improved.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Speed Yoga

Working on daily health habits. The shakes are easy, exercises, not so much. Looking to spice up my routine. Maybe I should get another dog - one that likes ot walk and run. Maybe I should start a morning walking club or just get up at 5 and go to the gym. Thought I would try something different today. YOGA for Beginners. Got this free DVD with my Hip-Hop Abs DVD (that is a fun DVD - Shawntee, the Instructor has a PhD in Exercise Physiology. He put together a lively routine for core strengthening, It's terrific, but right now I need a slower start to my day. The yoga program is not his). I put in the yoga disc with great anticipation, fully expecting a luxurious stretching routine, It was like speed yoga. OMG, Do this, then this, then that, no pauses, no time to hold a pose. I was a nervous wreck and did not feel stretched or relaxed. Back to the sun salutation and deep breathing for now.

A program that I particularly like to follow is one created by the Royal Canadian Air Force in the 1950s. It is a combination of yoga, resistance, strengthening and cardio that only takes 10 minutes a day. When people tell me they don't have time or money to exercise I direct them to the 5BX and XBX programs. (these are on line courtesy of the RCAF - Thanks Canada!)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Idea Time

Monday, Monday - workday. In Integrative Medicine the cases are always interesting - we had some great success today. People are feeling better. (I am still tired - they are all asking about my eyes, why are they peeling?  Yes it is gross and painful and how can I promote health when I am in such bad shape. I say "See what happens when I don't have time to take my own advice?" There were so many years when I was healthy and well, but when I stopped dong all these great things for myself, I fell apart) That is what "Roctober" is about -  rejuvenation. .

You have to work on it all, physical health, emotional health (connections), intellectual health, and spiritual health. Read, challenge yourself mentally, write down at least 5 ideas a day. I like to come up with SNL skits - people must think I'm crazy (I am)  because I chuckle to myself a lot at situations that seem normal, but I will find something in it and say "what if?" and then take it to the extreme. I like thinking of SNL scenarios because the show makes me laugh and they are quite clever to come up with what they do on such short notice. Someday I might even mail them a few ideas.

My friend called, took the supplements, no better. I said it tool months to wear yourself out, the recovery  will take a few weeks.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


The phone rang and a very frail voice said "happy belated birthday" in a whisper. Whoah, my friend sounded OLD. We're not old, but yet the voice on the other end sounded like it. They missed my birthday (we talk twice a year) They were ill and I got the lowdown. Doctors said there was nothing wrong, been to 3 or 4 (I'm not even skyping and I could tell something was majorly wrong). Started in July - irregular heart rate, exhaustion, insomnia.... So what happened before July? (These things just don't occur on their own) Nothing,  No what really happened? Dad died - didn't want to bother you. (bad news, my heart sank. Dad was 96, an innovator, embraced life, he was riding horses last year. I adored my friend's parents, Another great generation laid to rest) and before that? I was taking care of him and my Mom. Well that explained a lot -  total burnout mentally and physically. Grief plus exhaustion. No reserve. 

I said I could help - this is my field of medicine, an off the wall detective-like type of medicine that looks for a chain of events cause, and everything made sense. I wrote up a plan and emailed it off. 2 seconds after the email the phone rang. My friend is a PhD Chemical Engineer who analyses everything. I can't do it because I've read ......... I get a lot of that from my patients. yes I am from Mars and no, you have not seen anything like this approach, but I know what I am doing, so just try it. Well I can use this and this instead (GOD, my patients do that and it drives me crazy when they substitute and make up their own plan - even after I give them details and specifics, they come in with totally different nutrients) I feel like asking "so how's that working for you?" (but sarcasm never gets one very far) Usually it's not. They tell me that my suggestions are not effective and then I kindly point out that they are not doing ANYTHING that I suggested but have created their own program. (have to work on my assertiveness I guess, I am surprised that I am not bald from pulling out my hair). The objections were over-ruled. the body is an exquisite creation that responds to TLC and I am sure that my friend will improve - physically. The emotional hit will take a bit longer to heal though.

I also ordered functional testing from Metametrix  to get even better results, but while we were waiting for the tests, we could begin a restoration program. The nice thing about nutrients is that there are few, if any, adverse effects and if you give the body what it needs, it does what it was meant to do.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

I Hate Housework

Mounds of paperwork, junk mail, quarterly taxes due, all sitting in a pile. Have to get my house back from its dire stage of neglect. I have a big distain for housework as there are so many more interesting things to do with my time, but I have an even bigger aversion to clutter and mess - it is neither healthy or relaxing. So I am slugging it out with the mess. Easily distracted. It is a hot sunny, sunny day outside and my deck also needs to be finished (had it power-washed, now it has to be stained and that job is up to me because no one else wanted it, but I truly don't want to spend all day doing that either).

I have a "never leave a room empty-handed rule when cleaning - meaning take something with you that needs to be put away somewhere else. Eventually there is a pile in front of the basement door or the front door, or a pile on the counter and then like the last cat in the hat with the letter zzzzzz, the vavavoom puts it all away. In the meantime it is total chaos. I have to remind myself to take care of things as they arise instead of amassing mountains of things I think I might need.

The deck was strangely inviting when facing the paperwork, but not 8 hours of inviting. Maybe an hour outside working would be OK. That was the ticket. I could not tolerate 8 hours of painting with my short attention span, but 1 hour, in the sun, listening and watching the migrating jays was actually relaxing. so I can do a section of deck at a time, an hour a day after work to focus on nothing after playing mental gymnastics  - do-able. .Like any job that seems insurmountable, breaking it down makes it easier.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Fridays Are For Friends - Reach Out

Friday. Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays are days you want to spend with family friends and lovers. But you can't wait until the last minute and expect them to be there, plan ahead. We have this terrific arts center in town, Most generously donated to the University by a very considerate and hard-working man named Forbes. It's called The Forbes Center for the Performing Arts. I think it cost in excess of 93 million to build. Such amazing generosity. I would like to be that successful that I could do something like that. My other hometown is filled with philanthropists as well - Eastman, Galisano, Wegman... Eastman gave my hometown his vision, a medical school, dental school, university, music school and was so generous to his employees, Mr Galisano, the founder of Paychex built a children's wing at one hospital, a neuro/brain center at another and a rehab center as well, all to benefit the local community. The Wegman's family is also constantly giving to the communities they are located in and to their employees. (They pay for their employees college tuition if you agree to work during breaks and semesters) Awesome!

Always wanted to go to the Forbes Center and saw many venues I liked but was never able due to schedule. So I bought a bunch of tickets for a Friday night show and took my friends. It is a spectacular place and the audience was pumped up because a local boy (Phil Vasser) made good was on stage. Could he play the piano! I thought the keys were going to burn up! The staff told me most venues sell out and there is something going on almost every night.

You don't have to have a lot of money to reach out to others and to do your own mini philanthropy, just the thought to do it and the effort to act on it. Drop off goods at the food bank, shovel or sweep your neighbors walk, take someone a meal, say a kind word to someone, smile and be encouraging, open the door. It's called kindness and it's contagious. it also helps not to judge because we don't know where the other person has been. Give them a hand up and an encouraging word. It might go a long way


Who will you reach out to today?

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Baby Steps To Health

Still no energy in the morning and spending way too much time surfing the web and reading the news. Shucks I get tired even taking a shower. My eyes are peeling. Happens when I work too long in front of a computer. At least I don't sit at the screen. I put my computer up so I stand all day. They make fun of me at work, but I work better and faster that way. We all seem to be avoiding the sun - inside at our jobs, desks all day, no sunshine, no vitamin D, no exercise. I get this really crazy reaction when I am exposed to the radiation from the screen coupled with poor nutritional and vitamin status. My cheeks get burned from the computer and my eyes peel. Not a pretty sight, but that's only half of it, Seems the rest of me reacts too (chest pain, no energy, shortness of breath) and when I take care of myself that all goes away and I look 15 years younger. Right now I don't look anything like the photo at all  - that was before this started.

Today I am going to attempt exercise. Went for a walk, used to walk at least twice a day with my dog Molly. She was terrific, the best dog ever, so playful, but she suddenly died and I stopped walking. Best to get a walking buddy. For now I will just do a quick circuit around the block to get started.  Seems a bit silly without a partner. Took my 7 pound long haired Chihuahua Ralph (that's his name. He came with it - orphaned and all, but that's another story. Ralph hates to walk. We cross the street and he looks at me as if to say, "OK that's enough, we can go back now". Ralph only likes to walk for show, where there are lots of adoring fans so he can bask in his "Ralphness" (he is really cute) and if you don't fuss over him he is like "What? He literally will prance up to everyone, his tail held high like a plume and expect adoration and fawning - this technique usually works, especially in the senior center where I moved my parents too) My goal is to eventually get back to moving every day, twice a day. But for now slow steps and one thing at a time is good. Healthy habits are hard to develop and easy to break. (before all of my calamities, I actually used to go to the gym as well) It just takes time for them to be part of your life and if you do too much at once it won't stick. Maybe I will try prancercise.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Easy Eats

Don't feel too much like cooking since I am alone now. Anything easy is better, but I need to actually feed my body. I made a pact with myself to have a protein/fruit/vitamin smoothie at least once a day, preferably in the morning. Sometimes I just throw everything in, sometimes I am more selective. Sometimes it tastes terrible (I cannot swallow vitamins so I open them up and throw them in) and others it is delicious. I just drink it because I know it is good for me. If you put a bit of lime in it, it covers up almost anything and gives it a refreshing flavor.

So much for one quick meal. what else can I put together?  Eggs are a great snack, hard-boil a few to have on hand. make a crunchy salad to keep (chop up lettuce, celery, carrot and onions to mix with other greens when you are in a hurry, you can vary the flavor by the dressing (yes I use salad dressing - a bit of healthy fats are good for you) You can even use the salad blend in a wrap, Made a 3 bean salad to have on hand as well (by the way you can have these on hand and sauté them with wine and meat for a warm meal) I like to grill - can do different meats all at once with minimal clean up and have them easily stored or frozen for a quick fix at dinner time. Make sure you put on some good music when eating or cooking and sit down and savor the fruits of your labor. My refrigerator looks like a buffet. You should eat well. don't skimp because it is a celebration of YOUR labor and this is YOUR body. Even if you did not grow your own food, you certainly worked for it

Want something fancier? Invite a friend over to cook with you, seems like people always cook better for their friends (why is that?).

Seems like I have food down for a few days.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


I am declaring October "Rocktober" - time to rock it back to health to actually live again. I used to be healthy - before 2011, but due to a series of unfortunate events and a crazy job (seriously greater than 10 hour days with no breaks, food or water. You would get the evil eye if you went to the bathroom (a break I finally just had to take) the doc that was there before me nearly died on the  job because her health deteriorated and she was only 32!) , my body failed, got grey, stiff, thick and scaly.  Every cell in my brain and body shouted and finally shut down. it was a major internal revolt and the appearance on the outside was just a mere shadow of what was happening on the inside. I felt like Wile Coyote getting bested by the Road Runner.

So I challenge you to "Rock It" and take back your life. Turn back time and reverse the aging process by taking the time to take care of YOU! the Physical you, the Emotional you, the Spiritual you - to mentally gear up and to take care of the financial you as well, because all of these are part of your well-being. Make a commitment to yourself and start with a small step each day.

My first challenge will be my health, because I cannot focus or be a good lover, Mom, daughter, doc ..., without feeling well. That being said, I am also committing to less busyness and more relationships, to be present and not to worry about tasks at hand, they will always be there, but people won't, so love them.